Wednesday, December 22, 2010

About Kialo Winters

Kialo Winters at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center in Cortez, CO USA

Hiking Huerfano mountain in Dzil-na-o-dilthle, NM USA

My name is Kialo Winters and am Dine'/Zia from Ojo Encino, New Mexico. This journey I am attempting is a memoir of sorts - which in context explains my research into a historical novel I am currently writing. I decided to create this blog to not only help organize my thoughts, but to give and receive insights from friends. The novel I am writing can be further explained in upcoming posts. My research will include the Native American understanding of trail running and the effects of exposing oneself to the environment. This was the major form of travel before the horse arrived in this region. Follow me on Google+ and Twitter @kialowinters

On the set during filming of "The Great Chacoan Escape" - Torreon, NM USA

Thirty foot petrified log near my home in Ojo Encino, NM USA

I have been running trails in my area of mesas, rolling hills, tired unpaved roads and sandy arroyos. Sage, different types of cacti, pinon and juniper trees litter all these landforms. I see the occasional petrified wood pieces the size of a man's fist and forearm, but recently I discovered a fallen petrified log the length of thirty feet. It was surprisingly intact and a great wonder for me.

Offering greetings to the sunset at Monument Valley, UT USA (photo credit: +Terri Winters)

Sunset on the Navajo Nation reservation 2012

Playing the native american flute at Monument Valley, UT USA (photo credit: +Terri Winters)

The area I run shows the horizon in all directions. The Cibola National Forest to the south with Mt. Taylor, Bear mountain and Cabezon Peak. To the east, I see the Santa Fe National Forest with the Jemez mountain range traveling south for about fifty miles and peaking at the tail is Sandia Peak. To the north, you cannot see the Rocky mountains, but another plateau ridge atop this massive Chaco Plateau. To the west, I see another thirty miles to the ending ridges of the Chaco Plateau. I wonder how our ancestors who lived and traveled this area could manage crossing this massive area and why. This question begins my journey...

Trailrunning on the Navajo Nation reservation

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Park in Cortez, CO USA - Trekking for B-roll shots as the event photographer at a middle-school youth summit for Futures for Children, Inc. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome research experiment! The scenery is one of the reasons I have decided to move back. Your area is my favorite part of New Mexico.
    And nice petrified tree!
    Over at Borrego Pass, I used to find shark teeth every so often. Pretty incredible when you consider now it is on the continental divide and at 7400 feet above sea level.
    I'd also find fossil tree leaves. I found the whole area fascinating!
